How It’s Built: Chain Core Dashboard and Documentation

Dominic Dagradi
Published in
1 min readOct 26, 2016


Inside every download of Chain Core, we've embedded our complete dashboard and documentation to make it easy to start developing blockchain applications. Here’s how we bundle everything up:

Chain Core is a Go application that exposes a Network API for blockchain replication and a Client API for SDKs and our dashboard. Our dashboard is a React application that communicates directly with Chain Core’s client API over HTTP. We use webpack to compile the dashboard into a small set of static files. Similarly, we compile our markdown documentation into static, HTML files.

After generating the static files for the dashboard and documentation, we use a tool to write the raw bytes of those files directly into the Go source code of Chain Core. This means that when we compile Chain Core, the resulting binary contains all of the HTML, CSS, Javascript, images, and fonts required for the dashboard and documentation. We even bundle the Java SDK JAR into the binary!

This process allows us to make an incredible amount of information and tooling available within a single, easy-to-distribute binary file. For the full story, take a look at our dashboard, docs and server on GitHub.

